Micheal Jackson in hospital [Updated: Dead]

I have no respect at all for celebrities that live on scandals... I really get annoyed by people like him... and Paris Hilton... etc...

Doesn't matter to me what kind of person someone was decades ago... or even a few months. As soon it gets a big hype I'm sick of it...

understood. respected.

but, even if you dont like the guy i can only hope you have some form of respect for his family. he is a very historic figure internationaly and has done alot for the world in general. and, lets face it, the media has blown alot of thing out of context and i also remember that a boy who had accused him of molestation was found to be lying, so, lets keep the negative out of here for now. please.
No, he's dead.
Confirmed that he's died at the age of 50.

* ^ Not on the scale of Diana though. I mean c'mon.

Edit: BBC News, confirmation.
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whatever you want to say about the guy personally...

Have someone at a bar put Beat It on, on the jukebox... Then walk into the bar. Try not feeling like an absolute badass. Just try. It's impossible.
Sad to hear, like him or not he certainly was one of the major faces of music, on the level of Elvis. Sucks for the fans who have tickets to his last shows.
I work at UCLA med center, his passing is confirmed.
Two more thoughts, his autograph will be bringing big money on ebay now, and his wikipedia article has already been updated.

I'll have to go buy the Thriller album on vinyl now.
He was my first 'favorite' artist when i was a kid.

What a legend.

It's alright remembering him for all the recent crap, and the fact he was slightly mad, but he really was fucking awesome..

Genuinely shocked.

whatever you want to say about the guy personally...

Have someone at a bar put Beat It on, on the jukebox... Then walk into the bar. Try not feeling like an absolute badass. Just try. It's impossible.

very very very true
I'll jump on the 'It's sad but I won't lose sleep' bandwagon if you don't mind me doing so. I am actually more upset about the sparrow chick, that's been living under our shed for 3 days getting fed by the parents, getting eaten by a cat this morning. We don't even have a cat!

Sorry if you felt that was too much.
:( RIP Michael.

I have to say, Steve Pizzati's latest Twitter entry made me LOL:

stevepizzati said:
Michael Jackson isn't really dead- I just saw him working at a 7-11 near my place...
Wow, this feels so unreal. I still can't believe it, I really want to hear it confirmed. Are following it on CNN and BNN. He is/was a legend.
so who just inherited the all the beatles music?